Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Garden - before and after

In one of the very first blogs of the house was on the garden (The garden aka the jungle). It has been a little over a year and we have been through the four seasons to try to understand the garden, what works in each month, what was already planted and where we can go. Pier has done an amazing job. He is adamant, though, that the garden is still a work in progress. So, even though I have called this blog entry before and after it isn't really after but before and work-in-progress doesn't have the same ring, does it?
From the bottom of the garden looking toward the house
July 2012

August 2013

The view July 2012

The view August 2013

July 2012

This is of the section on the far right in the picture above. We found a hydrangea in there. August 2013
July 2012
August 2013

And there is a green house in there somewhere and the potential for a rose garden...
July 2012
August 2012
Rose garden, August 2013
And these are just some random flower shots from this Summer...

The Alnwick Rose
Pompom Dahlia
Red cactus Dahlia
Cactus Dahlia
Pink hydrangea
Janet Rose

Stalwart found under another bush
White gladioli
Red glads
Yellow gladioli

Flowers make me smile. Hope you are having a good week!


  1. Your garden is coming along beautifully with all the love you and Pieros have poured into it.

    1. Thanks, Jules. A sweet comment. We do love the garden!
